Extensive Example

The following is an extensive example, using more columns with different types and a custom column for the password field.

This time, we use a more complete example data structure:

interface UserData extends DataRecord {
	id: number;
	userName: string;
	firstName: string;
	lastName: string;
	mailAddress: string;
	 * This is only example data for showcasing the dataTables.
	 * --> Never store passwords in plaintext anywhere!
	password: string;
	gender: 'male' | 'female';

As well as a custom HiddenPasswordCellComponent:

<script lang='ts'>
	import { Button, Icon } from 'sveltestrap';

	export let value: string;

	// Export unneeded variables to hide "created with unknown prop" warnings
	export let key = undefined;
	export let colProps = undefined;
	export let item = undefined;

	let isHidden = true;

	function toggle(event: Event) {

		isHidden = !isHidden;

{#if isHidden}
	<Button color='danger' size='sm' on:click={toggle}>
		<Icon name='eye-slash-fill' />
	<code class='bg-light p-1 rounded-2' on:click={toggle}>{value}</code>

The full dataTable config is now:

const config: DataTableConfig<UserData> = {
	type: 'userData',
	columnProperties: {
		id: {
			type: ComponentType.NUMBER
		userName: {
			type: ComponentType.STRING
		firstName: {
			type: ComponentType.STRING
		lastName: {
			type: ComponentType.STRING
		mailAddress: {
			type: ComponentType.STRING
		password: {
			type: ComponentType.CUSTOM,
			sortable: false,
			component: HiddenPasswordCellComponent
		gender: {
			type: ComponentType.ENUM,
			values: ['male', 'female'],
			enumColorKey: {
				male: 'info',
				female: 'danger',
				default: 'primary',
				unknown: 'secondary'
		} as EnumComponentTypeProperties<'male' | 'female'>
	dataSource: new LocalDataSource(exampleUserList, {
		filtering: {
			textSearchColumns: ['userName']
	dataUniquePropertyKey: 'id',
	messageConfig: {
		id: {
			label: 'Id'
		userName: {
			label: 'Username'
		firstName: {
			label: 'First Name'
		lastName: {
			label: 'Last Name'
		mailAddress: {
			label: 'E-Mail Address'
		password: {
			label: 'Password'
		gender: {
			label: 'Gender',
			enumValue: {
				male: 'Male',
				female: 'Female'

Which results in the following dataTable:

This is what your resulting dataTable will look like!