Quick Start

Suppose you want to show a list of all of your users in a table. For this first example, the user only has an id and a userName field:

type UserData = {
	id: number;
	userName: string;

const exampleUserData: UserData[] = [
	{ id: 1, userName: 'Edmund.Rolfson21' },
	{ id: 2, userName: 'Melody34' },

In this example, we will be using Tailwind with Daisy UI for the UI components, hardcoded data (in the example generated with faker-js) and no i18n library yet, all strings will be hardcoded in the config.

Add the DataTable component as well as the accompanying config to your page:

<script lang='ts'>
	import type { DataTableConfig } from 'svelte-advanced-datatable';
	import { ComponentType, LocalDataSource } from 'svelte-advanced-datatable';
	// Notice that the DataTable component is imported from the /daisyUi package to support Daisy UI components
	import { DataTable } from 'svelte-advanced-datatable/daisyUi';

	// Config for our dataTable
	const config: DataTableConfig<UserData> = {
		// Give it a name/identifier, required internally to manage multiple dataTables on one page
		type: 'userData',
		// Configure what type the data in each of the table columns has
		columnProperties: {
			id: {
				type: ComponentType.NUMBER
			userName: {
				type: ComponentType.STRING
		// The dataTable requires one key of the object to contain a unique identifier, such as a user id.
		dataUniquePropertyKey: 'id',
		// Where do we get the data from? In this example we just use the contents of the exampleUserData array from above.
		dataSource: new LocalDataSource(exampleUserData, {
			filtering: {
				// Enable search for these columns
				textSearchColumns: ['userName']
		// Give your columns fancier names to display in the table header
		messageConfig: {
			id: {
				label: 'Id'
			userName: {
				label: 'Username'

<DataTable {config} />

This short code-snippet will already result in the following dataTable:

This is what your resulting dataTable will look like!